wanna just look at more pictures?

pretty geometric-y wood necklace.

giant horseshoe, pretty basic but pleasing nonetheless.

i bought a necklace from this girl (early jewelry) a few years ago in pittsburgh, and i have thought about this simple charm necklace ever since. i don't know why i like it so much.

pretty paintings on maps involving my favorite topic: clouds.

random painting.

pretty sure this is made from a reflector.

collection of cute wood earrings.

like these.

and finally, sweet cufflink rings. i love cufflinks.
i need to now make a list of my celebrity encounters so i don't forget:
busy phillips x2
milly from freaks
paul effin rudd
jason leigh
tate donovan (?)
tom everett scott (hello, that thing you do.)
peter gallagher- oh, eyebrows..
angela and meredith from the office, seperately.
emoting smile eyes lady from lifetime movie fame (also the child welfare lady on L word)
jenny jones (has seen better days)
the girlfriend/possible wife of johnny depp (a model?)
mark from L word
steve from sex and the city
some american idol person.
larry david's secretary
the janitor!
katy perry
the blonde from brothers and sisters
i can't think of any more right now.